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Release: Presto cache rewritten

  • Name
    Dave Coates

This release contains changes up until release/2022-02-15.

To upgrade any existing projects it's recommended to pull in the relevant commits from upstream.

git remote add upstream
git cherry-pick XXX1 XXX2

In cases where you are significantly behind it may be easier to pull the whole app (eg. common_audit) in but you'll need to review the relevant branch.

In this release

Presto rewritten cache

The Presto cache has been rewritten to resolve some long standing bugs and simplify the implementation to make ongoing maintenance easier. The typescript types are much more comprehensive but have resulted in some interface changes.

  • Upgrade codegen by pulling in this commit

    • This will handle creating any new models. For existing descendant models (ie. not the generated/* models) you will need to manually update them (or delete them and re-generate if they have no changes from the default)
  • viewModelFactory now requires you to specify the primary key field an pkFieldName option explicitly. If you have any models manually created you'll need to update them to do this but for most cases it's already handled by codegen.

    // This (no explicit primary key)
    class BaseMyModel extends viewModelFactory({ name: new CharField()}) {}
    // Becomes this
    class BaseMyModel extends viewModelFactory({
          id: new IntegerField(),
          name: new CharField()
        { pkFieldName: 'id' }) {
    }) {}
  • When you augment a model you get better type info if you specify the pkFieldName option again even if it's unchanged.

    // This
    class MyModel extends BaseMyModel.augment({}) {}
    // Becomes
    class MyModel extends BaseMyModel.augment({}, { pkFieldName: 'id' }) {}
  • To get proper typing on the viewModel cache property is slightly awkward but handled by codegen. To update existing models change:

    import ViewModelCache from '../core/ViewModelCache'
    import BaseBrand from './generated/BaseBrand'
    export default class Brand extends BaseBrand.augment({}) {
      static cache: ViewModelCache<typeof Brand> = new ViewModelCache(Brand)


    import { ViewModelCache as BaseViewModelCache } from '@prestojs/viewmodel'
    import ViewModelCache from '../core/ViewModelCache'
    import BaseBrand from './generated/BaseBrand'
    export default class Brand extends BaseBrand.augment({}, { pkFieldName: 'id' }) {
      static cache: BaseViewModelCache<typeof Brand> = new ViewModelCache<typeof Brand>(Brand)
  • If you used the ViewModelConstructor type directly like ViewModelConstructor<any, any, any> it now only has two generic types. Change this to ViewModelConstructor<any, any>.

  • For examples of how to update existing code see this commit

See the changelog for more details.

Version 0.0.26 was also released which just makes final-form and react-final-form peer dependencies of @prestojs/final-form. This prevents issues with having multiple versions of the package loaded which breaks React context.

Other changes

  • 8da17071 Page size is now explicitly returned in the default paginator. This resolves issues with Presto pagination & ant tables when there's only a single page available.
  • b62f4d23 Lint python version regex fix for 3.10+ (thanks Vitaly)
  • 23928a91 Fix no-shadow typescript lint (the default rule triggers a false-positive result for enums)
  • 57b3caab resolve_no_evaluator added to CSV permissions resolve_evaluators. This allows you to write 'no' instead of leaving the column blank.